December 20, 2006

Taking the IQ test

I just took an IQ test from Tickle and here is the result:

Your Intellectual Type Is:

You are gifted with the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. Insightful linguists can take complex concepts and articulate them to just about anyone. You have a gift with words and insight into processes and the way people think. These talents enable you to explain things clearly to people.

Helen Keller is a great example of an Insightful Linguist. Blind, deaf and mute, she was still able to put things together in her mind and to understand complex ideas. She could do that because she was able to conceptualize ideas internally. Though she could not literally see, she had the visual and spatial skills necessary to understand patterns on an abstract level. She learned to read, write and ultimately became a writer on issues of social justice. You have an uncanny ability to work your way out of sticky situations using your talent with words. Crossword puzzles, debates — you're particularly well equipped to come out on top since you can read people well. Like Charles Dickens, your verbal skills go far beyond having a good vocabulary. Dickens' genius was in the artful and descriptive way he crafted sentences. Also Dickensian, is your keen eye for detail and your adeptness for identifying the best way to express an idea based on your given surroundings and circumstances. Your ability to communicate your vision clearly will take you far. So enjoy being perceptive, and make the most of your abilities as an insightful linguist.

Great Jobs For You
Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:
Public speaker

Some of Your Greatest Talents
You've got tons of strengths. It wouldn't surprise us if you:
Can clarify complex issues
Can bring new insight to ideas through their fresh perspective
Are good at leading teams

Your Four Intelligence Scales
Now let's look at the factors that contribute to you being an Insightful Linguist with a 131 IQ score. Based on the results of your test, Tickle divided your scores into four distinguishable dimensions — mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, linguistic intelligence and logic intelligence. Here's how each of your intelligence scores break down:

Mathematical Percentile - 80th percentile
Your mathematical intelligence score represents your combined ability to reason and calculate. You scored relatively high, which means you're probably the one your friends look to when splitting the lunch bill or calculating your waitresses' tip. You may or may not be known as a math whiz, but number crunching might come a little easier to you than it does others.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence - 100th percentile
The visual-spatial component of intelligence measures your ability to extract a visual pattern and from that envision what should come next in a sequence. Your score was relatively high, which could mean that you're the one navigating the map when you're on an outing with friends. You have, in some capacity, an ability to think in pictures. Maybe this strength comes out in subtle ways, like how you play chess or form metaphors.

Linguistic Intelligence - 90th percentile
abilities include reading, writing and communicating with words. Tickle's test
measures knowledge of vocabulary, ease in completing word analogies and the
ability to think critically about a statement based on its semantic structure.
Your score was relatively high, which could mean you know your way around a
bookstore and maybe like to bandy about the occasional 25-cent word to impress

Logical Intelligence - 80th percentile
Your Logical PercentileTickle's logical intelligence questions assess your ability to think things through. The questions determine the extent to which you use reasoning and logic to determine the best solution to a problem. Your logic score was relatively high, which could mean that when the car breaks down, your friends look to you to help figure out not only what's wrong, but how to fix it and how you're going to get to the next gas station.


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